How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Fixed - In Eight Steps - A 21st Century Medical Controversy
A Video Series - With Audio Only Option [to listen on the move]
Andrew Wakefield
Welcome to the video series
The series tells an extraordinary story with striking revelations which have never before been told openly and publicly about one of the leading medical controversies of the 21st Century. With an audio option to listen on the move. Each episode is short - on average 15 minutes ranging from 6m to 30m.
To the Video & Audio Index Page
The series documents the deliberate elaborate intentional and systematic fabrications perpetrated by three editors of the British Medical Journal in 2011. These editors publicly accused a doctor, Andrew Wakefield, of committing fraud in a scientific paper published in the Lancet medical journal which implicated the MMR vaccine in causing autism in children.
The fraud allegations against Andrew Wakefield were and remain baseless fabrications - pure invention with no facts or evidence to back them up.
The deviousness of the tortuous rats’ nest of fabricated claims was revealed by careful and logical analysis of the BMJ’s author’s paper with a single-minded focus on one question – where is the evidence upon which the fabricated claims of the BMJ’s editors were based?
See with your own eyes laid out before you piece by piece, how the BMJ’s author’s fabricated claims were manufactured.
Instead of threatening legal proceedings for defamation when warned of impending publication and challenged to answer the BMJ issued a one line weak damning and damaging statement: “We stand by the publications concerned and the processes by which they were produced”.
The BMJ had commercial agreements with MMR vaccine manufacturers which the three editors failed to disclose when they made their false fraud allegations against Andrew Wakefield.
The three editors’ allegations were claimed to be justified by a BMJ commissioned article “How the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed”. The article claimed falsely Andrew Wakefield fabricated the results of Royal Free Hospital investigations into 12 children in order to implicate the MMR vaccine in causing autism. The BMJ article claimed every element and aspect of the Lancet paper was fabricated by Wakefield.
The truth however is that the Lancet paper faithfully reported the results of investigations carried out by 12 specialist expert medical professionals at The Royal Free Hospital, London, England into 12 children. The children developed bowel disease and suffered developmental regression with nine diagnosed as autistic, two more as having autistic symptoms and one who suffered catastrophic regression within a short time of vaccination but had no autistic symptoms.
Family doctors, hospital doctors and parents had linked these problems to the administration of the MMR vaccine in eight of the twelve cases.
Andrew Wakefield was the co-ordinating author, who wrote the paper on behalf of his 12 colleagues based on the findings they had made when treating the children concerned. So there were 12 authors in addition to Andrew Wakefield.
The BMJ article was designed to claim falsely that an association between MMR vaccine and developmental regression and bowel disease in children was a fraud when it is not.
About the Video and Audio Series
Five short introductory videos give a comprehensive overview free of charge without a paid subscription.
The full video series available to subscribers provides a detailed account of the history and background and what was done in each of the eight steps. You will also get detailed evidence with quotes from the medical records of the children concerned. The anonymised medical records were read out in public in legal proceedings in England.
If you cannot afford a paid subscription you can read free of charge a journal paper pre-print by Dr Jacob Puliyel who explains with remarkable clarity and brevity why the BMJ editors’ false fraud allegations are and remain false:
The Scientific Record: Examining some of the claims and counterclaims in the MMR saga Dr Jacob Puliyel
Why this, why now
Many people have been shocked to learn of false claims made by governments, some health officials, medical organisations and professionals concerning the supposed Covid 19 pandemic and the unsafe vaccines promoted as “safe and effective“ which were neither and of the billions of dollars, Euros, pounds and other currencies squandered and the vast profits made by the super-rich whilst the world was made poorer.
People became aware of this for the first time because of the Covid 19 crises, scientific and political mismanagement, lockdowns, the scale of the worldwide government manufactured disaster and the bizarre fact that governments across the world acted in lockstep, implementing the same responses, as if under a predetermined plan and external centralised control and coordination.
But what people do not know is how any of this was made possible nor the extent of official misinformation about health generally and how long misinformation has been promoted and used at all levels in healthcare world-wide to mislead and manipulate - in this case - entire countries.
It has been going on longer than any realise. To know more we have to look at what was done before. This story starts forty years ago and brings us to the present day and the severe physical and mental harms still being done to children, who would otherwise be normal kids, and to adults and all their families, worldwide - for profit.
It is only possible because of extensive corruption in governments after decades of cultivation of relationships between external interests and those who control the levers of power - and especially in all administrations of western so-called democracies.
This is an account of one of the worst and most extensive examples of official misinformation and manipulation ever perpetrated in healthcare world-wide prior to the Covid crisis.
The Big Lie
Of the eight steps described and explained in this series, Step Eight is in three parts – in Videos 12 to 14. It covers the BMJ false Allegations 2, 5 and 6.
The common aspect is the “Make it up and then claim fraud” approach with no regard for the truth.
The “Big Lie” is commonly associated with Nazi propaganda in 1930s Germany, but it’s use in propaganda has a far longer history to deceive entire nations. If you are going to lie, make it such a big lie. This sounds counter-intuitive to the degree of being unbelievable, but it is an approach which is used because it works, especially when it is repeated so often that no-one will believe it cannot be true.
The BMJ’s author simply invented false claims so that the BMJ’s editors could claim falsely fraud against Andrew Wakefield when there was none. And these allegations were repeated continually in all kinds of media across the world.
You will see for yourself that Allegations 1, 3 and 4 are false and how blatantly false they are – with the truth hiding in plain sight for those who wanted to look. But when you learn about the BMJ ‘s false Allegations 2, 5 and 6 there you will see not just one big lie but one big lie built upon layer after layer of large and blatant lies.
In the US Office of Strategic Services psychological profile of Adolf Hitler by Walter C. Langer, Langer wrote, summarising Adolf Hitler’s primary rules, these included:
“….. never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”
You will see that in fixing the case against Andrew Wakefield, this approach has been adopted throughout by the BMJ’s author of the “How the case was fixed ….” article but it has been taken much further in constructing this complex false fabricated narrative – this legend or cover story – to accuse and blame falsely one man – Andrew Wakefield of doing what Wakefield never did.
Adolf Hitler: Psychological Analysis of Hitler’s Life & Legend By Walter C. Langer, Office of Strategic Services
Is this video series for you?
It is:
if you are interested in learning the truth about one of the major medical scientific controversies of the 21st Century; or,
if you are intrigued by detective stories and want to learn of how the complex and elaborate fabrications were created and then revealed by detailed investigative work; or,
if you want to know what some medical professional organisations and professionals, governments and health officials are prepared to do to protect the profits of vaccine makers and suppress information about the dangers.
Video & Audio Index (also on a dedicated page)
To the Video & Autio Index Page
01 A - Who, What, Why, Where and When - 21m 12s - LIVE
01 B - Background and History - 13m 5s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 19 Feb 2024
01 C - The BMJ Editors’ Eight Steps - 7m 55s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 26 Feb 2024
01 D - How the BMJ’s Fabrication Was Discovered - 6m 3s - LIVE 10am GMT Mon 4 Mar 2024
01 E - An Historic Breathtaking Deception - 14m 24s - LIVE 10am GMT Mon 11 Mar 2024
In-Depth Videos
OR VIEW THE PAID VIDEOS WITH A PAID SUBSCRIPTION [audio option to listen on the move]
The links below are marked ‘LIVE’ as each video is released.
02 - The GMC Political Show Trial of Andrew Wakefield - 29m 54s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 18 Mar 2024
03 - The Lancet Paper Retraction on False Grounds - 9m 7s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 25 March 2024
04 - What The BMJ’s False Allegations Were - 14m 12s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 1 April 2024
05 - Step 1: The BMJ Switched the Real Diagnoses for Fake Ones - 11m 52s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 8 April 2024
06 - Step 2: The BMJ’s Fake Switched Diagnoses Won't Match the Medical Records So Claim Fraud - 10m 47s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 15 April 2024
07 - Step 3: The BMJ Told Everyone Falsely “It’s Science” to Claim Fraud” - 10m 32s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 22 April 2024
08 - Step 4: The BMJ Redefined Medical Terms to Claim Fraud Falsely - 16m 20s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 29 April 2024
09 - Step 5: The BMJ Rewrote the Lancet Paper to Claim Fraud Falsely - 7m 4s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 6 May 2024
10 - Step 6: The BMJ Created False Confusion - Misuse Complex Terms to Claim Fraud - 19m 35s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 13 May 2024
11 - Step 7: The BMJ Claimed Falsely 10 Experts’ Diagnoses Were Made Up by Wakefield to Claim Fraud - 16m 29s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 20 May 2024
12 - Step 8: - Allegation 2 - The BMJ Made It Up to Claim Fraud Falsely - 36m 43s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 27 May 2024
13 - Step 8: - Allegation 5 - The BMJ Made It Up to Claim Fraud Falsely - 15m 29s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 3 June 2024
14 - Step 8: - Allegation 6 - The BMJ Made It Up to Claim Fraud Falsely - 8m 35s - LIVE 10am GMT Monday 10 June 2024
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Published & © Clifford Miller 2024.
Kingfisher House, 21-23 Elmfield Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 3F
0044 (0) 20 8663 0044
Clifford Miller was a member of legal team in Andy Wakefield’s Austin Texas legal proceedings for defamation against the BMJ and their author. He was the first to unravel the BMJ’s author’s fabricated claims and asserts his moral rights. All rights reserved.