Step 7 - The BMJ Claimed Falsely 10 Experts’ Diagnoses Were Made Up by Wakefield to Claim Fraud - Video 11 - 16m 29s
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The BMJ Claimed 10 Experts’ Diagnoses Were Made Up by Wakefield - to Claim Fraud Falsely - Video 11 - Step 7 - 16m 29s
Video 11 concerns Allegation 4:
“In nine cases, unremarkable colonic histopathology results—noting no or minimal fluctuations in inflammatory cell populations — were changed after a medical school ‘research review’ to ‘non-specific colitis’”
Here the sleight of hand, the magic trick, the switch was to switch the gastroenterology department’s expert medical specialists’ diagnoses for a non-expert generalist’s report.
It sounds obvious - so how is it no-one noticed? How is it so many people were fooled for so long?
In Video 11 you will see for yourself the proof Allegation 4 is false. There is much more proof also - this presents conclusive evidence with much more which could be added to it.