Step 8 Allegation 2: The BMJ Made It Up to Claim Fraud - Video 12 - 35m 45s
How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Fixed - a 21st Century Controversy
Andrew Wakefield
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Step 8 - Allegation 2: The BMJ Made It Up to Claim Fraud - Video 12 - 35m 45s
Step 8 is in three parts – in Videos 12 to 14 - as it covers the BMJ editors’ false Allegations 2, 5 and 6.
Step 8 is bizarre and so bizarre it is unbelievable that what you are going to see for yourself here is true. But it is.
The brazenness is striking and remarkable.
The common aspect to all three false Allegations 2, 5 and 6 is what is behind them - the basis for the allegations - it is the approach adopted of “Make it up and then claim fraud”. There is no basis for the allegations. They are all false.
The BMJ’s author simply invented false claims so that the BMJ’s editors could claim falsely fraud against Andrew Wakefield when there was none.
You have already seen in earlier videos in this series Allegations 1, 3 and 4 are false and how blatantly false they are – with the truth hiding in plain sight in the text of the 1998 Lancet paper.
Step 8: - Allegation 2
ALLEGATION 2: “Despite the paper claiming that all 12 children were “previously normal,” five had documented pre-existing developmental concerns”.
Here you will see and learn for yourself directly from the Lancet 12 childrens’ medical records that the specific allegations regarding each of these five children - which were claimed in the BMJ Editors’ paid commissioned author’s article - are false and so the BMJ Editors’ fraud allegation is also yet again false.
The ‘Big Lie’
Whilst the Big Lie is commonly associated with Nazi propaganda in 1930s Germany, the big lie approach to propaganda has a far longer history in its use to deceive entire nations. And whilst this sounds counter-intuitive to the degree of being unbelievable, it is an approach which is used because it works.
If you are going to lie, make it such a big lie and ensure it is repeated so often that no-one will believe it cannot be true.
But here you will see not just one big lie but one big lie built upon layer after layer of large and blatant lies.
In the US Office of Strategic Services psychological profile of Adolf Hitler by Walter C. Langer, Langer wrote, summarising Adolf Hitler’s primary rules, these included:
“….. never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”
You will see that in fixing the case against Andrew Wakefield, this approach has been adopted throughout by the BMJ’s author of the “How the case was fixed ….” article but it has been taken much further in constructing this complex false fabricated narrative – this legend or cover story – to accuse and blame falsely one man – Andrew Wakefield of doing what Wakefield never did.
Adolf Hitler: Psychological Analysis of Hitler’s Life & Legend By Walter C. Langer, Office of Strategic Services
The Alleged Developmental ‘Concerns’ - All False
“Child 10, aged 4, from south Wales, contracted a viral infection, which was suspected by parents and doctors to have caused his disorder, four months after his vaccination.”
“One of the mother’s concerns was that he could not hear properly - which might sound like a hallmark presentation of classical autism, the emergence of which is often insidious.”
“.... had developmental delays, and also facial dysmorphisms, noted before MMR vaccination.”
“…. The [1998 Lancet] paper reported concerns at 18 months, but the medical records noted fits and parental worries at 11 months.”
“….. had developmental delays, and also facial dysmorphisms, noted before MMR vaccination.”