BMJ Rewrote the Lancet Paper - to Claim Fraud - Step 5 - Video 9 - 7m 4s - Andrew Wakefield v The BMJ
"How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Fixed - a 21st Century Medical Controversy"
In this episode you will see that in order to allege falsely Andrew Wakefield committed fraud when he did not, The BMJ’s three editors published allegations which included allegations fabricated by rewriting throughout what the 1998 Lancet paper reported about the conditions of the 12 children in order to claim falsely it contained statements which it did not.
Again, another episode with hard evidence of more deliberately false medical and health information from the British Medical Journal.
You and your children and family pay the price whilst being farmed for your health.
The British Medical Association earns millions of GBP £ sterling/US$ every year from the BMJ. Knowing that, can you trust your doctor to give you medical advice not biased to make money out of you and your children?
And as a further reminder, of how it is possible to publish this information and say these things about the BMJ and the three editors concerned without fear of legal action. It is because:
it is all true, every word of it;
and you can see for yourself the evidence given on oath from the medical records of the twelve 1998 Lancet paper’s children from GMC transcripts proves this beyond doubt.
This is history being made as you read and watch and listen to the video and podcasts.
Andrew Wakefield
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Video 09 - Step 5: BMJ Rewrote the Lancet Paper - to Claim Fraud - 7m 4s
Video 9 (Step 5) concerns The BMJ Editors’ Allegation 3:
Allegation 3: “Some children were reported to have experienced first behavioural symptoms within days of MMR, but the records documented these as starting some months after vaccination”.
You have already seen from Video 5 (Step 1) that The BMJ’s paid commissioned author substituted in his article a false table of a fake combination of convincingly similar looking but in fact very different diagnoses - the presentations and findings - to claim these were the presentations and findings of the 1998 Lancet paper when they were not.
The BMJ’s Table of fabricated false diagnoses alleged falsely the 1998 Lancet paper claimed “regressive autism” occurred “within days” of MMR vaccination when it did not.
So having shown Allegation 1 is false, you can see for yourself the evidence showing the BMJ editors’ Allegation 3 is also false. Allegation 3 is based on a switched false version of the 1998 Lancet paper’s presentations and findings.
This is another brazen example of the legend – the false cover story - created to accuse falsely Andrew Wakefield of fraud.
And don’t forget the BMJ claimed:
“Who perpetrated this fraud? There is no doubt that it was Wakefield”
“externally peer reviewed”