Video 01 B - Background and History - 13m 5s - 'How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Fixed - In Eight Steps - A 21st Century Medical Controversy'
Andrew Wakefield
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In this video you will learn about how in October 1988 a known-to-be dangerous MMR vaccine was introduced in a national childhood vaccination campaign in the UK and what happened.
A similar dangerous MMR vaccine was introduced to Japan but the Japanese authorities, unlike the British, withdrew it rapidly when deaths and injuries were recorded. Again, unlike the British, the Japanese stopped using the triple MMR vaccine and reverted to single vaccines.
Legal claims started to be filed years before Andrew Wakefield became involved in 1996.
The fateful 1998 Lancet paper was published with details of the first 12 children’s cases investigated at the Royal Free Hospital, London, England and a press conference was held.
Similar to the US Omnibus Autism proceedings, the 1700 or so state funded UK legal claims hit a brick wall and never got to trial. Their state funding was withdrawn in September 2003 by a Judge whose brother was a Board Director of the vaccine manufacturer and CEO of the owners of the Lancet medical journal.
Five months later The Sunday Times of London published attacks by a journalist on Andrew Wakefield.
The UK medical regulator, the General Medical Council, started an investigation after the journalist wrote letters of complaint and a trial started 3 years later in 2007 and came to a decision in January 2010, barring Wakefield and one of his colleagues from practising medicine.
The Lancet journal shortly after retracted the 1998 Lancet paper.
The next video after this - Video 01 C - will tell you in summary what the eight steps were before these are dealt with in detail in full video series - see the Video Index Page for details.
Excellent and fascinating. Did not know about tiptoe walking. I never found anything Deer wrote remotely persuasive. Nobody writes heartfelt exposes against so called corrupt doctors who are guilty of the crime of wanting more research. That is hardly a subject that raises passions. He felt to me like propaganda at the time and it still does. My distrust of him only made me more inclined to listen to Andrew. Dr Wakefield devotes his life and reputation to his patients and to the truth and calls for more research - the right thing to do - Deer devotes it to propaganda and obfuscation - the wrong thing to do. I hope one day justice is done and Dr Wakefield is reinstated and compensated.