Step 1: The BMJ Switched the Real Diagnoses for Fake Ones - Andrew Wakefield v The BMJ - Video 05 - 11m 52s
"How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Fixed - a 21st Century Medical Controversy"
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Here we are getting to the meat of this video series with Step 1 of the bent BMJ’s campaign against Andrew Wakefield and it is a shocker.
If you want others to know tell them. Use email or social media far and wide. If anyone wants a novel original Blockbuster Movie - there is plenty of material in this video series. It is the story that just keeps on giving.
If you do not have a paid subscription you can read free of charge a journal paper pre-print by Dr Jacob Puliyel who explains why the BMJ editors’ false fraud allegations are and remain false:
The Scientific Record: Examining some of the claims and counterclaims in the MMR saga Dr Jacob Puliyel
Dr Jacob Puliyel’s paper was submitted to the BMJ and The Lancet for publication. The editors of both journals refused to consider it. Every scientific journal and every scientific journal editor has an obligation to correct the scientific record.
Simply put - how can anyone trust these supposed medical scientific journals?
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Video 05 - Step 1: The BMJ Switched the Diagnoses to their own Fake Presentations and Findings - 11m 52s
When you see a headline saying something like this, there is only one question you should ask first.
How is it possible that anyone can say that?
It is because it is true - all of it.
So then you must start to question who is running your country? How can this be done under the noses of our elected representatives?
Why do estimates based on UK official government statistics tell us over 7% of UK school age boys are now autistic and the numbers keep increasing but politicians keep their mouths shut?
Despite their past actions, here you can see the BMJ bleating on about the bad news as if it was nothing to do with them:
Autism and ADHD place “unprecedented” demand on NHS - BMJ - 04 April 2024
So let’s learn some more about the role of this corrupt publishing business. Is The Lancet journal any better? Their editor’s refusal to consider Dr Puliyel’s paper is not encouraging.
The UK’s citizens and their children continue to be farmed for their health whilst the NHS is being crippled and makes our country poorer - and every other country as well - that includes you and everyone you know.
The Bent BMJ, Its Author and the Fake Switched Diagnoses
In this video you will see and learn for yourself the evidence showing how the BMJ’s paid commissioned author switched the real diagnoses, the presentations and findings of the 12 children reported in the 1998 Lancet paper for his fake versions.
Their commissioned author substituted in his article a false table of a fake combination of convincingly similar looking but in fact very different diagnoses - presentations and findings.
And it is his switched version that the BMJ editors presented to support their false accusations of fraud against Andrew Wakefield.
The switched diagnoses - the fake presentations and findings - are set out in Table 4 of the BMJ Editors’ paid commissioned author’s paper “How the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed”.
These fake versions were what the BMJ Editors author’s paper claimed were the 1998 Lancet paper’s diagnoses - its presentations and findings - when they were instead faked counterfeit versions of the real thing.
The main switch was to a combination of three sets of fake presentations and findings per child. This was to claim none of the 12 children had that combination of all three fake diagnoses - fake presentations and findings. And of course, that was true, because these were not the real presentations and findings at all. It was self-fulfilling but false “all the way to the bank”.
In the next Video 6 - by reference to the BMJ Editors Allegation 1 - you will see for yourself the evidence showing beyond any doubt whatsoever that these were fakes.
The BMJ Editors’ Allegation 1, when analysed is a combination of three separate allegations.
In Video 6 these are shown to be false by the real medical records of the 12 Lancet Children and then again in Video 8 where you will see the 3 children claimed not to have autism did have numerous references in their medical records to their autism diagnoses.