Video 01 A - Introduction: Who, What, Why, Where and When - 21m 12s - FREE TO VIEW VIDEO
'How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Fixed - In Eight Steps - A 21st Century Medical Controversy'
Introduction: Who, What, Why, Where and When
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How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Fixed
Welcome to the video series “How The Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Fixed - In Eight Steps”. This launches the publication of this 18 Part series.
This is an extraordinary story.
This first video in the series is in five parts 01A to 01E, which will be released one at a time over the coming weeks. It is designed to give you an in-depth overview of what was done and a considerable amount of detail on the background.
Scroll down after the video and audio for a description of what this episode covers.
Listen Only - Audio 01 A - Introduction - Who, What, Why, Where and When 21m 12s
Video 01 A - Introduction - Who, What, Why, Where and When 21m 12s
This is a story of deliberate intentional and systematic fabrication.
This video series documents the elaborate fabrications made in an article published by the British Medical Journal in 2011.
The BMJ article was carefully designed to claim falsely that a doctor, Andrew Wakefield committed research fraud in a 1998 Lancet journal paper when he did not. The 1998 Lancet paper reported an association between the MMR vaccine, developmental regression and bowel disease found in 12 children. The paper was a peer-reviewed medical scientific paper published in the Lancet medical journal in February 1998. The paper recorded the investigations made in 1996 to 1997 by specialist medical professionals at the Royal Free Hospital London England. These were investigations into the first twelve of hundreds of children later investigated who also suffered developmental regression and bowel disease.
This is all much like at first watching a magic trick: you will not believe it was done and how it was done until it is laid out before you. All the bits taken together are so complicated and involved but taken apart you can see how this trick was created.
The British Medical Journal published fake diagnoses which bore a confusing resemblance to what to the ordinary person seemed could have been the real diagnoses. But these were in fact not the real diagnoses at all.
The scale of general manipulation of the ordinary member of the public via print and broadcast media is also not new. It is developing to a high degree of sophistication and brazenness than first seen with use of international audiovisual media following the 1963 assassination of the now late United States President John F. Kennedy.
When challenged the British Medical Journal condemned everyone who works for it and everything it publishes with this statement: “We stand by the publications in the BMJ and the processes by which they were reviewed.”
Video 01A provides a summary of what the entire series covers from the background history to the details of each step and what the real medical records of the children said when compared to the fake versions the British Medical Journal published.
You will learn who the main cast of characters are.
You will learn the history in context including the frightening prevalence of autism in British schoolchildren today of over 7% in boys and where the figure comes from and that it is highly reliable. You will learn why the claim this is better diagnosis and greater awareness can only be a lie and that this is the greatest health disaster ever to befall the world covered up by health departments and officials worldwide.
You will learn about the dangerous MMR vaccines introduced into the UK in 1988 and of the deaths and injury they caused and that health officials knew but kept using the vaccine for four years until the manufacturer withdraw the vaccines on just one week’s notice on legal advice. You can tell from that how serious the problems with the MMR vaccines were that the lawyers said ‘stop or else’.
You will learn about people and interests who were involved in covering this up and how the establishment went for Andrew Wakefield, but hid behind a corrupt supposed ‘journalist’ who set up the smokescreen for them to hide behind.
But in 2011 the British Medical Journal broke ranks and that was the first time the Establishment broke through the smokescreen and put itself directly in the firing line.
The Eight Steps
And then you will learn in overview what the eight steps are and how what the British Medical Journal Editors did was discovered and unravelled and revealed the non-existent fraud for what it was. An historic breathtaking deception arising from longstanding corruption in worldwide healthcare.
The Drama of the Deposition of Deputy Editor Jane Smith
When Jane Smith’s deposition for Andy Wakefield’s defamation case was taken in London, you will learn of the drama when Andy’s highly skilled US trial lawyer, Bill Parrish asked her one question about the BMJ’s fact-checking and she had to leave the room to compose herself before returning eventually to attempt an inadequate answer.
Thanks for doing all this hard work. Really looking forward to getting into the detail, I've been waiting 25 years to find out the truth behind this story. Back in 98 the attack on Andy was suspicious and too strong. I read the Lancet paper and found it exemplary medical scholarship. The request for more investigation was reasonable and justified.
I hope the film will be released on DVD. I would definitely buy a copy. To me it is $candalous just what is happening with health matters everywhere around the world. Covid has brought this home to roost for a lot of people. It's finally time to wake up. I would also say to read The moth in the iron lung just to see just how long this has been going on and how long it can take to uncover the truths. I believe they have known the extent of what they have been doing for at least 200 years. Are the people behind this invincible? Seems like they might be but that statement is getting way into David Icke territory and also hints at The Fallen Angels mentioned in the bible. The only reason i can think why god would allow this to happen is because he wants everyone to wake up to this, so the stragglers are making it worse for the lot of us.