Tell Everyone "It's Science" & Claim Fraud - Andrew Wakefield v The BMJ - Step 3 - Video 07 - 10m 32s
"How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Fixed - a 21st Century Medical Controversy"
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Video 07 - Step 3: Tell Everyone It’s Science - Claim Fraud - 10m 32s
When the BMJ editors issued their embargoed press release on 4th January 2011 to the world’s media they claimed (falsely) Andrew Wakefield committed fraud. They included links to advance embargoed copies of their editorial, their paid commissioned author’s false “How the case was fixed” article, the accompanying blog article and their false comparison table.
At the end of the “How the case was fixed” article they wrote: “externally peer reviewed”.
The “externally peer reviewed” claim was false and the three BMJ editors knew that. It only appeared in the version issued to the press with the BMJ’s 4th January news release.
In the print and online version they added [quite sneakily some might think] the word “not“ just before “externally peer reviewed“.
And so the world’s press were comprehensively misled by the BMJ’s fakery.
In this video you will see for yourself the evidence showing the BMJ Editors’ paid commissioned author’s paper was not reviewed, was not peer reviewed, was not externally reviewed, was not internally reviewed or reviewed.
More shockingly, you will also see from the evidence presented in this series that so intent it seems the BMJ and its three editors were on using the BMJ’s reputation [now tattered and discredited] on trashing Wakefield they cared little about accuracy to the degree that their false claims had not even been checked against what the 1998 Lancet paper reported.
The stark fact of the matter is the BMJ publication processes are so poor that no one at the BMJ had read or compared the 1998 Lancet paper with the false claims in their commissioned author’s “How the case was fixed” article.
Had they done so it would have become more than a little obvious the claims were false.
Clearly you might think this was following the approach of some tabloid press editors’ approach of “not letting the facts get in the way of a good story”.
Except this was not a good story. In the UK over 7% of school age boys have autism. And our political representatives do absolutely nothing about it. The numbers keep increasing every year with no sign yet of levelling off.
You have seen from the free-to-view Introductory Video 01 A the BMJ’s response when challenged over their false fraud allegation is:
“We stand by the publications in the BMJ and the processes by which they were reviewed.“
That of course is a statement which condemns everything the BMJ has ever published. It puts the BMJ’s reputation into auto-trashing self-destruct mode.
Those processes, when seen in the light of the solid and incontrovertible evidence from the GMC transcripts given on oath of the medical conditions of the 12 Lancet paper’s seriously ill children, are worthless. So with those words the BMJ stands condemning itself and everything it has ever published.
Congratulations. A remarkable achievement for a supposed ‘world-leading’ medical scientific journal.
And of course always remember to ask yourself how it is anyone can make the statements made in this series about the BMJ, its three editors and its paid commissioned author.
The answer is in two parts:
it is all true - every word
and the evidence is there for all to see - incontrovertibly.
Another True Never Before Published Account Yet-to-be-told on Euripides
If you never believed in the Deep State, think again. The further so far untold account described below is evidence of its existence.
It is no conspiracy theory. It is corruption. It is the product of the pursuit and development over decades of connections and associations between state servants and external influencers.
There are insidious self-serving connections and associations within and outside the organs and agencies of government advancing the interests and profits of shadowy unidentified external commercial and financial influencers at the expense of British children and their families - robbing the British state and its people of their money and farming them for their health.
The same tale is repeated in parallel in the USA and every other developed nation state in the world.
This yet to be told account is one example. It tells of how the UK’s NHS Digital spent eye-watering amounts of tax-payers’ money commissioning a survey by university academics which produced false statistics to ‘prove’ there have always been as many adults as children with autism - to claim that the autism problem is not new and nothing is any different from what it has always been.
The problem with that is the numbers in children keep rising so fast that in 2024 over 7% of UK school age boys are autistic and not 1%.
And these people used UK taxpayers’ money to publish false statistics to cover up this national and international disaster.
By the efforts of one person - and it took a lot of effort - the UK Statistics authority was forced to withdraw the false statistics they had allowed NHS Digital to designate as UK National Statistics - which were created to claim an alleged but false 1% of adults were autistic.
It was even possible to pinpoint where in the survey results the smoking gun data was found showing exactly where numbers were altered to produce the desired false statistics.
That account is yet to be told on Euripides - so stay tuned.
Instead of being condemned and withdrawn outright, these false UK National Statistics were redesignated by Ed Humpherson, the Director-General of Statistics Regulation as ‘experimental’ when in fact they were false statistics all along and one view is people should have gone to gaol.
Of course, this is not accusing Mr Humpherson of any wrong-doing or of being a part of the Deep State. He was surely taking an understated measured approach to deal with the issue.
And do not forget - today’s over 7% of UK school age boys also prove the statistics are false - so further vindicating the efforts made to get the statistics withdrawn and serving as further incontrovertible evidence.